In the United States, approximately 35 million men have some degree of hair loss, with 65 percent of those age 60 and over experiencing noticeable symptoms.

But hair loss doesn’t affect just men. As many as 21 million U.S. women also suffer with hair loss. Androgenetic alopecia, known as female pattern hair loss, affects a significant number of women, as U.S. News and World Report notes. For women, the condition can be especially traumatic due to the increased social stigma and the perception of fewer available options for treatment.

Fortunately, today’s hair-restoration treatments provide effective remedies for women with genetically caused hair loss in addition to helping men with male pattern baldness. Modern methods also have proven effective for reconstructing eyebrows, eyelashes and beards.

A variety of available treatments

The field of hair restoration continuously improves, providing a wide array of options for treating many types of hair loss. Therapies have advanced significantly in the past 20 years and afford patients natural, appealing results with much less pain than in the past. Available treatment methods include:

  • Scalp extension is a surgical procedure that physically stretches the scalp to cover areas with hair loss. The technique is older and is performed infrequently today.
  • Strip incision is also an older method, but it remains in wide use. Strips of skin — along with hair follicles — are removed from a donor area of the body and implanted in an area experiencing hair loss. The method often now incorporates micrografting, which avoids the need for a scalpel incision.
  • Follicular unit extraction, which also incorporates micrografting of skin, takes individual hair follicles from part of the scalp and reinserts them into the hairline. This modern form of hair restoration surgery requires only a local anesthetic.
  • Follicular unit transplantation is performed in a similar manner as follicular unit extraction, with follicles taken from an area of the scalp and transplanted in another area where hair loss is an issue. The surgeon typically chooses to transplant specific follicular units — naturally occurring groups of hairs.
  • Mini-micrografting is an older method with similarities to follicular unit extraction. In this procedure, the surgeon determines the size of the skin segment to be grafted and cuts the tissue into appropriately sized pieces. Grafts typically are larger than follicular units.

Hair-restoration therapy serves a variety of clients

For both men and women, modern hair-restoration methods can provide impressive results with much less pain than in the past. Today, there’s no reason for anyone — male or female — to suffer the embarrassment and stigma of hair loss.

Hair Restoration for Men and Women

Are you experiencing Alopecia or thinning hair? We encourage you to find out more about the variety of options available to treat hair loss in men and women. It’s important to consult with an experienced and trained restoration professional.

To learn more about which treatment option is right for you, schedule a Frank & Honest Hair Consultation or contact our team in New York City or Columbus, Ohio.


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