Michael Jordan, Yul Brynner and Jason Statham are sexy men with hair loss. It’s tough to think of such a celebrity for women experiencing hair loss. Instead women suffer from insecurity and fear due to the loss of hair- a symbol of youth and sex appeal for women. There can be different reasons for hair loss and depending on the type and extent, ways to regain hair and restore confidence.

Should I be concerned?

Hair loss may be a natural way that a body responds to stress or to a new short-term condition. Significant and long-term air loss is something to look into and may be related to other health issues or a part of a person’s family history. In addition, families with teenagers that are suffering from hair loss should look at this as a sign of their child’s overall health and take steps to evaluate the reason. Oftentimes girls who have a food disorder can incur hair loss as well as other issues. Take the time to get a proper diagnosis.

Hair loss can arise from a number of issues for women:

  • Alopecia areata, one form of alopecia, affects both men and women. Sometimes the immune system goes on attack against hair follicles which results in clumps of hair falling out. Some hair may regrow in time and some may not.
  • Hair loss can be caused by heredity, stress and diet. Some women are naturally predisposed to hair loss. People who have another autoimmune disorder are more likely to suffer from a condition like alopecia areata. Individuals with allergies are also likely candidates.
  • Stress and the fight or flight response at times inadvertently triggers hair loss as it is not a primary focus for the body in order to survive.
  • Pregnancy is a short-lived state that can influence the amount of hair on a head of body. Typically, once the condition changes many people regrow their hair naturally.
  • Medications and contraceptives can influence the growth of a healthy head of hair. Speak to a physician and see if changing medication or using alternative therapies can prevent additional loss.
  • An insufficient or a toxic diet can cause the thinning and loss of hair. Roughness, dryness and increased breakage are also common.
  • Disease can affect the human body in many ways. If hair loss, fatigue and other unusual symptoms occur speak to a health provider to evaluate the state of your health.


There are times when hair will naturally regrow on its own. Such may be the case after a pregnancy, change of diet, change of medications and reduction of stress. Other times the regrowth doesn’t happen or is not to the full extent desired by the individual. At this point, medical intervention may be desired to restore the appearance of a full head of hair. A consultation with a physician will help determine the cause of the issue and may provide suggestions on modifications to help stop and regrow hair.

When women experience hair loss that is significant and deeply concerns them and how they appear to others, hair restoration can be the way to go. Rely on John Frank, M.D for a customized hair restoration treatment plan to feel and look your best.

Hair Restoration for Men and Women

Are you experiencing Alopecia or thinning hair? We encourage you to find out more about the variety of options available to treat hair loss in men and women. It’s important to consult with an experienced and trained restoration professional.

To learn more about which treatment option is right for you, schedule a Frank & Honest Hair Consultation or contact our team in New York City or Columbus, Ohio.

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