Can You Regrow Hair in Bald Spots?
Hair Loss Center in Columbus Ohio Having bald spots can lower your self-esteem and confidence whenever you go out. Procedures to fix baldness can be costly and can leave you with ugly scars and unnatural looking hair. Rather than have one of those procedures, you can...
17 Myths about Hair Loss
Hair loss is a very common problem that everyone faces in their life. There are many reasons behind hair loss and the reasons might vary from one person to another. However, despite of all the actual reasons there are a lot of myths that surround this phenomenon. The...
Are You Embarrassed by Your Hair Loss? Here’s What to Do
A common misconception is only men suffer from hair loss. For many reasons, women also develop this problem. Regardless of your gender, hair loss can cause a lot of embarrassment. The truth is that more than 30 million American women suffer from hair loss. Once hair...
Is it Too Late for Hair Restoration Surgery When You are Bald?
One of the biggest misconceptions in the hair restoration industry is once men are bald the time has passed to consider restoration procedures. The truth is many men who believe they are excluded from hair restoration surgery can actually undergo successful treatments...