Eyebrow Rejuvenation Transplant

About the Procedure    |    FAQs    |   Before & Afters

Naturally & permanently remodel your brows with a professional eyebrow transplant.

Our eyebrows affect our appearance through our expressions, moods, and the way we communicate.

Common solutions for thin, sparse, or misshapen eyebrows include makeup products and aesthetic tattooing. But for men and women who want to change the shape and/or thickness of their eyebrows, a transplant is a more permanent and natural-looking solution.

Before & after eyebrow transplant procedure

About the Eyebrow Transplant Procedure

Similar to a hair transplant on the scalp, eyebrow transplant is a cosmetic procedure that transfers hairs & hair follicles from above the ears into the brow area.

Unlike the scalp, eyebrows include a unique configuration of hairs with specific directions and angles that promote a focus of facial beauty and expression. For this reason, the methods for naturally restoring eyebrow hair are far more sophisticated and advanced than those of the scalp.

Planning for the Procedure

Our approach to eyebrow rejuvenation begins with a clear objective and plan. 

Most clients still have a significant number of native hairs which can serve as an outline. For those with sparse or no brow hairs, a completely new eyebrow design must be created and agreed upon before the procedure.

Applying his facial plastic & skull base surgery experience, Dr. John Frank works with our clients to help create a shared vision for the new eyebrow design – complete with the head, arch, taper, and thickness of the brows.

During the Procedure

A local anesthetic is applied prior to the procedure. Then, hair restoration surgeon Dr. John Frank will harvest hairs from the donor sites and prepare them for transplantation as eyebrows.

Hair follicles will be moved from the donor areas into the depleted areas of the eyebrows, until the desired shape and thickness is achieved.

Depending on the scope of work discussed, an eyebrow transplant procedure typically takes between 4-6 hours.

After the Procedure

After an eyebrow transplant, most people are able to resume their normal activities within several hours.

Self-care at home will be required as swelling and bruising may occur immediately following your procedure.

Results will be noticeable within a few months. With the follicles tightly packed and appropriately slanted, the result is a nicely raised middle ridge, the result of perfectly crisscrossed hairs.  

Get the Eyebrows You’ve Always Dreamed Of

Contact Dr. John Frank today to take your first steps toward fuller brows!

Eyebrow Transplant Before & After

These are real clients of Dr. John Frank before and after eyebrow transplant procedures! See the full hair transplant before & after gallery here.

before and after eyebrow transplant
Eyebrow hair transplant results
Men's eyebrow hair transplant results
client results for eyebrow transplant
Before & after eyebrow hair transplant
Brow hair transplant before & after
Women's eyebrow hair transplant results
eyebrow hair transplant before & after results

Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question about eyebrow hair transplants? Look through our commonly asked questions below, and reach out to us if you need additional information.

Why are eyebrows important?

Eyebrows play a physiological role in protecting the eyes from perspiration, water and dandruff, as well as directing particles around the eye towards the nose and temple.  

Along with the orbital bones, the eyebrows also serve as a sunscreen that protects the eyes.

Why would someone need an eyebrow transplant?

Unfortunately, certain genetics and aging process may lead to thinning hair on the scalp, eyebrows, and facial areas.  

Some individuals may suffer from eyebrow hair loss as a result of a medical or autoimmune condition. Weak eyebrows may also be caused by relentless shaping and plucking, or even trichotillomania (a nervous habit).

Fortunately, most people with thin & weak eyebrows are great candidates for a transplant.

How fast do eyebrows grow back after a transplant?

Typically, transplanted hairs will fall out after a few weeks and start to grow back after a few months. If the density of the brows is not sufficient after 6-8 months, clients can work with Dr. John Frank to add extra grafts.

Is eyebrow hair different than scalp hair?

Slightly. Individual eyebrow hairs are a bit narrower than the hairs on the scalp, and don’t typically grow as long.

Usually, people do not usually find that this negatively impacts the final result of an eyebrow transplant.

How much does eyebrow transplant cost?

Costs vary depending on the cause and extremity of the hair loss around the eyebrows. Typically, brow transplants by Dr. John Frank are between 10k-20k.

What aftercare should I expect during the healing process?

Sutures will be applied during the procedure, and will need to removed approx. 2 weeks afterward.

In the days following an eyebrow transplant, the eyebrows will show minor scabbing and we advise gently applying a fine layer of Bacitracin.

Long-term, the new eyebrow hairs will grow in a similar manner as native brows. However, the transferred hairs tend to grow longer than virgin eyebrow hair and will require more frequent trimming. 

Do eyebrow transplants use the FUE or FUT method?

Different harvest techniques are available, including the Strip Method, FUE, robotic transplant, and the Neograft.  Based on prior experiences, Dr. Frank believes the Strip or FUT gives the best results.

What is the ideal eyebrow shape?

The classic eyebrow contour consists of a broader, but less dense, area near the bridge of the nose. This area fans and arches out towards the sides, tapering to a point or fishtail near the temple.

If you look more closely, you will notice the hair adjacent to the nose aiming upward and then veering sideways. In nicely shaped brows, these hairs intertwine and create a subtle ridge that runs the length of the brow almost resembling a herringbone pattern.

In women, a distinct lateral arch dramatizes the eyes and upper face.

Is eyebrow transplant the same as a brow lift?

A brow lift is a more extensive surgical procedure that elevates & shifts the eyebrow’s position on the face.

Alternatively, a temporary brow lift may use injections to relax the forehead muscles and change the position of the eyebrow. In this case, hair is not transplanted into the brow area.

Learn more about the different types of eyebrow treatment in our Eyebrow Treatment Guide.

Is it safe to tweeze or wax my brows after a transplant, or will this cause permanent loss?

We recommend that you wait at least 6 months to start any hair removal techniques like waxing or tweezing.

Does Dr. Frank offer hair removal services for eyebrows?

We are not currently offering hair removal for overgrown eyebrows, unibrows, or otherwise undesired eyebrow shapes. For these clients, we suggest tweezing, waxing, threading, and laser hair removal; over time, the hair loss from these techniques should become permanent.

Ready for More Information about Eyebrow Transplants?

Ready to get started with your eyebrow hair growth journey, or just looking to have a conversation about what to expect?

Fill out our Info Request Form or call (833) 660-1312!

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