After receiving your hair transplant, you will be filled with excitement and joy at the prospects of regaining your own hair. However, a hair transplant carries some considerations and steps following the surgery to maximize the success of the procedure. For you to have the most information about what you can and cannot do following your procedure, we have created this simple guide to hair transplant recovery.

1. Can I Wash My Hair?

Following your procedure, you will have a dressing covering the surgical sites, or donor and recipient areas. You will need to keep this dressing in place until your physician authorizes you to remove it. As a result, you cannot wash your hair until it has been removed. According to, for the first week after the procedure, you should add a few drops of soap to a cup of warm water, and gently massage your hair in a back and forth motion. Do not vigorously wash your hair, or you risk pulling the follicles from their new location.

2. Avoid Strenuous Activity

For two days after your procedure, avoid physical activity. This will give your body a chance to heal and provide plenty of nutrients to the recipient site.

3. Sleep With Your Head Elevated

Keeping the surgical site above your heart is crucial to preventing excess drainage and promoting proper healing. You may use several pillows to prop your head up when sleeping, or sleep in a recliner in the days following the procedure

4. Avoid Styling Your Hair

Although you may want to brush, or otherwise style your hair, avoid the temptation to brush, comb, or apply any hair products to your hair. Also, do not use any hair dye for at least one month, explains Enhance Myself, and avoid applying any hair regrowth treatments, such as Rogaine.

5. Keep the Sunlight From Your Surgical Site

This is tricky as you should not wear a hat for at least a week following surgery. However, you will need to keep sunlight from reaching the surgical site and causing burning. Additionally, you will need to wear a hat to prevent sun exposure when outside for three months.

6. Why Is Some Hair Falling Out?

After the procedure, some of the individual hairs may die. However, the majority of the hair follicles will remain intact and healthy. During the procedure, this aspect of recovery is taken into account, and an additional number of hair follicles are transplanted beyond the minimal needs. After 10 days, hair shedding should stop completely.

7. How Long Will It Take to Regrow My Hair?

Since the hair follicles are yours, the rate at which regrowth occurs depends on your individual hair growth times. For example, someone with rapidly growing hair may see advanced growth at three months.

By following these tips, you will take a proactive role in achieving the lasting hair transplant results you want.

Hair Transplants for Men and Women

Are you experiencing Alopecia or thinning hair? We encourage you to find out more about the variety of options available to treat hair loss in men and women. It’s important to consult with an experienced and trained restoration professional.

To learn more about which treatment option is right for you, schedule a Frank & Honest Hair Consultation or contact our team in New York City or Columbus, Ohio.

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