Hair loss issues aren’t only faced by women. As you all might have noticed, some men tend to experience balding at a very early stage. This can be somewhat disheartening for men as it usually affects their self-confidence.

Balding can occur as a result of many reasons. All of which can be solved with given attention. We will focus on four of the reasons as to why men experience this.


This is possibly the first cause that comes to mind when you think about balding. So how exactly does this induce balding? Male- pattern baldness occurs as a result of the hair thinning around the perimeter of the scalp and going as far back as the extreme top of the head.

This can happen as early as puberty. It is more likely that balding will occur if there are people in your family with this problem.

Poor Dieting

A diet with insufficient nutrients such as iron, protein, zinc etc. can lead to men having thin hair. This can eventually lead to balding as there is not any real support for your hair strands at the roots, which can cause them to fall out easily.

Unless your dieting habits improve, there might be a great chance that you will lose your hair completely.


These are male sex hormones that help to regulate hair growth. With baldness, the hair growth cycle begins to weaken due to limited amounts of this hormone. As a result, the hair follicles shrink, fall out and eventually stop growing.

Luckily, today’s world as we know it has many solutions for your hair loss issues.


Medications contain chemicals that will cause many side effects when they interact with the body’s natural chemicals.Unfortunately, one of these side effects is balding.

Medications such as acne medications, antibiotics, antidepressants, anticoagulants, chemotherapy medications, cholesterol-lowering medications, anticonvulsants, and high blood pressure medications can result in premature balding as they can trigger chemical reactions in the body that can lead to hair loss.

Reseolve Them Sooner Than Later

With early diagnosis, these issues can all be solved as hair transplants can be done to cover hair loss caused by genetics. As it relates to dieting, there are a wide range of fruits, vegetables and sources of protein that can be taken to strengthen the hair follicles and restore hair growth thus prolonging the onset of baldness for men.

In the case where androgens have gone out of whack, one can consult a physician to identify what is causing this to happen, subsequently bringing these hormone levels back to normal. If specific medications are the cause, there can be a reduced dosage of this medication as well as a change in the medication itself for one that is less harmful.

Men who experience baldness are not at a disadvantage than those who have full heads of hair and should not allow this to dampen their spirits as everyone is great in their own unique way.

Experiencing Hair Loss?

Before getting your hair loss restoration treatment, you should take the time to research which procedure is right for you. You should also be aware of the risks involved in every surgery. More so, it may take some time to recover from the procedure.

Dr. Frank is an expert in hair loss restoration. He has performed a lot of successful surgeries in the past and has the experience, skills, and expertise needed for hair loss restoration. Contact our offices today to request your consultation with hair restoration expert Dr. John Frank!

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