Hair loss is a very common problem that everyone faces in their life. There are many reasons behind hair loss and the reasons might vary from one person to another. However, despite of all the actual reasons there are a lot of myths that surround this phenomenon.

The myths tend to create confusion in terms of devising or coming up with a solution that can end such problems. People tend to believe in the myths of hair loss and hence they end up finding solutions for myths that are not the real cause behind hair loss.

Here is a list of myths about hair loss that people should not pay attention to:

Hair Loss Myths

1 – Exposure To The Sun – Many people tend to believe that hair loss occurs through over exposure to the sun when in reality there is no such linkage between the two. Hair balding is not related to UV rays. However, exposure to the sun might make your hair dull or brittle.

2 – Only Men Can Go Bald – Many people believe that only men can go bald, when in reality balding is not determined by gender. Hair balding can also happen in women but it can happen either because of hormonal changes or because of any daily worries or stress.

3 – Clogged Pores – There are people who believe that clogged pores cause hair loss however; there is no link between the two.

Hair loss and acne both of such problems can be caused by hormonal changes that take place within your body. In order to prevent hair loss one needs to adopt measures of hair care.

4 – Caps & Hats – People often avoid wearing caps or hats for a very long period of time, as many people believe that hair loss can happen because of wearing them. T

he main logic is that sweat makes you lose your hair hence it can prevent your hair from breathing properly, which results in hair loss. However that is not the case in reality.

5 – Heredity – Many people state that hair loss happens from your mother’s side and that it is heredity in nature. Hair balding can occur from both the sides.

It can either be from your father or your mother side. Hair balding can be because of hair thinning which is a factor that falls under heredity baldness.

6 – Stress – Stress causes hair balding, which is a very true point but it only speeds up the process of hair balding. On average 100 strands of hair fall everyday and hence such factors should not be considered as hair balding.

7 – Old Age – Many people believe that hair balding is caused and linked to old age. This is incorrect as hair balding can starts at any age. People who are between the ages of 20-30 years also experience hair loss and it does not mean that they are old. Hair balding does not happen because of old age.

8 – Hair Gels & Hair Sprays – Another common myth is that hair gels and sprays can cause hair loss. However that might not be true because hair gels and sprays provides your hair with all the essential nutrients.

But overuse of hair gels, sprays, and equipment’s like straighteners can result in hair loss. Avoid using such products every day as gradually they start having adverse effect on your hair.

9 – Daily Shampooing – There is a very popular belief that if you wash your hair daily with shampoo then it can result in hair loss. However, that is not true mainly because if people just don’t wash their hair on a regular basis, hair and dirt will build up which will result in hair loss.

10 – Taking Shower With Cold Water – People also have this perception that taking shower with cold water can also lead to hair loss.

However, in reality cold water tends to improve the circulation of blood supply and it also helps in de-stressing the human body.

11 – Massaging & Brushing – Massaging and brushing does not lead to hair loss mainly because it helps improve the blood circulation in your brain thus helping in strengthening them. Massaging and brushing your hair on a daily basis is essential to prevent hair loss.

12 – Oil Application – Oil application is not linked to hair loss. In fact in reality it helps strengthen the hair in order to prevent hair loss.

13 – Shaving & Trimming – People tend to shave and trim their hair because they believe that such factors can help prevent hair loss. However, that is not the case mainly because once the damage has been done it cannot be reversed through such actions.

14 – No Cure For Baldness – People believe that there is no cure for baldness but in reality there are a lot of hair restoration treatments that have been introduced in the market. A common solution to hair baldness is hair transplant or other laser therapy procedures.

15 – Dead Follicles Can Be Revived – Another myth is that dead follicles can be revived but in reality this is not true. Once your hair follicles are dead, then no measure can be taken to revive them back.

The only way to get your hair back is through hair transplant. Treatments like medications and laser therapy can only be used to ensure that your hair can grow thick and healthy. It cannot be used to bring your hair back.

16 – Hair Loss Is Permanent – People believe that hair loss is permanent however nothing is permanent and can be dealt with. People can adopt ways through which they can prevent hair loss.

There are various solutions available in the market to ensure that hair loss can be prevented.

17 – Biotin – People believe that biotin medication can help prevent hair loss but that’s not true because it is used to prevent hair breakage. It can help in strengthening the hair but it does not guarantee hair loss.

Don’t Fall Victim

All the above-mentioned myths need to be ignored, as they are not true. People should adopt ways through which they can prevent hair loss rather than focusing on these myths. Myths are difficult to deal with hence more focus should be on the solutions.

Experiencing Hair Loss?

For more information about either follicle unit extraction or follicle unit transplantation, contact Dr. John Frank, M.D.

Dr. Frank has offices in both New York and Ohio and has performed thousands of hair transplants. Dr. Frank can help you determine the cause of your hair loss and talk to you about your treatment options.

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