People don’t stay young forever. No, time takes its toll on everything – and when it comes to people, this is perhaps no more evident than in their physical features, like hair loss or hair thinning. Thankfully, there are several hair loss treatments to help restore this, and one of the most effective and safest of such solutions is undergoing a hair transplant procedure. This post will describe what exactly a hair transplant procedure is and what makes it so effective.

What is a Hair Transplant?

Simply put, a hair transplant is a cosmetic process that takes existing hair on the body and moves it to areas of thinning or balding on the head. It’s a safe procedure, having been practiced in some form since the early 1950s, and is safer and more comfortable to undergo than ever before today. Here’s a look at the hair loss treatment process, which may take anywhere from 4 to 8 hours depending on how much hair needs to be transplanted:

  • Head cleaning/numbing: The doctor will first clean the scalp and administered a numbing agent on the head.
  • Hair harvesting: “Donor” hair is then removed from other parts of the head and body to be transplanted to thinning or balding areas of the scalp. If hair is removed from other parts of the head, it is usually harvested from either the back or the sides, where hair has a tendency to come in thicker.
  • Clefts are made in the scalp areas that are being treated to hold the grafts of hair that have been harvested.
  • The procedure concludes with the placement of the grafts and the patient is then able to leave, as the initial healing takes about 48 to 72 hours.

While the process of hair transplant may seem like an uncomfortable one, numbing agents and the advanced technique of harvesting hair and implementing grafts have advanced to the point where the patient is always comfortable. In fact, during the process of placing the grafts – the most important and time consuming part of the process – patients can watch movies, talk on the phone, eat and read books, all in perfect comfort.

What to Expect After the Transplant

As we noted in the above section, the initial healing takes about 48 to 72 hours. However, hair usually won’t start growing to noticeable lengths for anywhere from 4 to 6 months. In the meantime, surgeons will advise you to refrain from touching or being overly aggressive with the transplanted hair, as it needs time to settle and begin to grow. While any pain or discomfort should be minimal, an over-the-counter pain killer can help relieve any discomfort. Generally, patients can return to work in as little as 2 days following the procedure.

How Effective is a Hair Transplant Procedure?

So just how effective is a hair transplant procedure? It’s so effective that the results should last for the duration of the patient’s life. That’s because it is real hair that is being transplanted, so results are permanent.

You Are Ready to Take Action and Commit to Having a Hair Transplant

If you found that most of these signs and reasoning applies to you, seize the moment and contact John Frank, MD in New York City or Columbus, Ohio to find the option that works best for you.

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