If you are starting to notice your hairline receding a bit, you might find your confidence shrinking right along with it.

In a European study examining the impact of hair loss on self-esteem in men, researchers interviewed 1,536 men from five countries and found that 70 percent of men consider hair to be an important feature in their image. Sixty-two percent of men in the study felt that hair loss would affect their self-esteem.


How Can I Stop My Receding Hairline?

A receding hairline is often caused by a combination of genetic factors, hormones and aging. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to keep your hairline from receding, including a variety of at-home remedies, medications, treatments, and when necessary, hair transplant procedures.


At-Home Remedies for Receding Hairlines

1. Diet for Hair Regrowth

The foods you eat may be contributing to thinning hair and a receding hairline. Focusing on a diet full of foods that help hair growth and thickness can have a positive impact on your hairline. Likewise, cutting out more of the foods that cause hair loss can help stop a receding hairline as well.

2. Herbal Remedies

Several herbs & supplements have been linked to hair regrowth, including biotin, chinese hibiscus, ginseng, aloe vera, and saw palmetto. The effectiveness of these will vary, but will likely be greater for those whose hairlines have just recently started receding.

3. Lowering Stress & Anxiety

Stress hormones have been shown to trigger hair loss under certain circumstances. Learning how to manage stress & anxiety through proper diet, exercise, hobbies, and/or meditation can also help stop or slow down a receding hairline.

4. Wearing the Proper Headwear

Hats and helmets have developed a reputation for causing hair loss. But in fact, only improperly fitted or incorrectly worn headwear can affect hair loss and growth. If you wear hats or protective headwear regularly and are worried about your receding hairline, it may be time to consult with an experienced hair loss specialist.


Medications for Receding Hairlines

man looking at receding hairline in the mirror

According to board-certified hair restoration surgeon Dr. John Frank, only a handful of the hundreds of products available are worth their cost & effort. Of these, the most promising are:

1. Minoxidil (Rogaine®)

Minoxidil (Rogaine®) is a topical medication applied in 2% or 5% to the scalp and is available in the pharmacy.

2. Topical or Oral Finasteride (Propecia®)

Finasteride (Propecia®) is only prescribed by a hair restoration doctor, and typically produces noticeable results in three to four months. 

It is worth noting that with both Minoxidil and Finasteride, results will only continue for as long as the medications are actively being used. Since neither are effective for advanced-stage hair loss, those whose hairlines have been receding for years are recommended to consider hair transplants.


Treatments for Receding Hairlines

1. PRP Therapy

Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP therapy) takes a small amount of blood from the arm. The blood is then spun to separate out the plasma, which is injected into the scalp to repair the hair follicle and stimulate new growth.

2. Low-Level-Laser Therapy

A non-surgical and non-medicated treatment for receding hairlines and other forms of hair loss, Low-Level-Laser Therapy works by slowing the process that shortens the hair growth cycle – resulting in slowed or stopped hair loss.

Several devices have been FDA-approved for stimulating hair growth, including the popular LaserCap used by Dr. John Frank and many other hair restoration professionals.


Hair Transplant Options

1. FUE Transplants

Follicle Unit Extraction (FUE) is a new minimally invasive hair transplant procedure that involves taking healthy hair follicles from the scalp and grafting them onto the bald areas of the head. With FUE, the scalp heals much faster than traditional hair transplants and new hair growth usually shows up between four and six months time.

2. FUT Transplants

Also known as “strip surgery”, Follicle Unit Transplant (FUT) is a surgical hair transplant that takes hair and tissue from the sides and back of the scalp (an area more resistant to balding), and transplanting this hair to the balding areas. FUT is highly popular as it minimizes scalp trauma and help support natural-looking results.


When to Talk to a Hair Restoration Doctor

With the right treatment plan, a receding hairline can often grow back. Some people are able to slow or stop their receding hairline with at-home efforts, but many others will find that they need expert assistance to restore their hair’s appearance.

To determine which hair restoration treatment or surgery is right for you, we recommend a consultation with a certified hair surgeon. Dr. John Frank can help determine the cause of your baldness to discover the best treatment option for your particular case. 

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