Tip 2 of 10 To Insure You’ll Get The Best Hair Transplant Procedure:

How to Save Money On Hair Transplant Post Operative Care

By Dr. John Frank, M.D. | IAHRSABHRSISHRSAHLAXM Radio: ‘The Bald Truth’, NYC, July 16, 2013

By the time your surgeon has finished your hair transplant, you’ve completed a substantial high quality investment in your appearance and your future.  At this point, financially, you’re done. Your postoperative period should be a time of care, rest and – very little cost.

What You Need: Saltwater, Water, And Some Inexpensive But Gentle Shampoo

Your main goal is to clean your scalp in a way that doesn’t damage your new grafts and to minimize crusting.

To help keep the grafts moist after surgery, all you need is simple saltwater. You need neither ancillary medications nor special shampoos.  Many doctors’ offices will show you custom products that they sell as necessary to care for the grafts. However, unless you have a bad case of Seborrhea and need a specialized anti-inflammatory shampoo, all you need to do is keep the grafts wet and the scalp clean.

To keep the scalp clean and free of crusts or scabs a simple mild inexpensive shampoo will do.  At John Frank MD Hair Clinics, we’ll provide detailed post op care instructions, but the most important thing is to not rub or massage the grafts. Instead, you can use a soft sponge filled with water and shampoo and gently roll the sponge over the transplant area to keep it clean and free of crusts or scabs. To rinse, avoid directly spraying the transplant area from a showerhead; instead use a bowl or cup your hand, fill it with water from the showerhead, and gently rinse the area.

Note that in the case of strip harvesting, you can wash the donor area less gently, since there are no grafts, but there may be sutures or staples.  If you have FUE, there is no single donor area and no sutures or staples.

Other Hair Transplant Post Op Tips

For a few days after surgery, you’ll want to do nothing more strenuous than watching TV or reading. After that however, you can go back to your normal workout routine with the following qualifications: if you have strip harvesting you’ll want to avoid any exercise or movement that could stretch the donor area and pull on the sutures or staples. If you have FUE, you don’t have to worry about this. However, for either procedure, discuss with your doctor your type of work out routine, as there are things you should not do during the first week after surgery

Don’t Post-Op and Drive

Before the hair transplant procedure, your doctor will give you a local anesthesia, just like at the dentist, but instead of your gums, your doctor will anesthetize your scalp. Your doctor will also give you a mild sedative to relax you, which means you won’t be able to drive home after the procedure. Either you’ll need to take a taxi, public transportation, or a friend will need to drive you.

So, to get the best value hair transplant, you shouldn’t, under normal conditions, being spending a lot of money on hair and graft care products during your postoperative period.

Next TipLarge Hair Replacement Clinic or Small Boutique? Depends on the Doctor

Previous Tip: Get Your Hair Transplant Procedure Done on a Friday

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