When it comes to balding, there are many different myths that can spread, especially in this era where false information is readily available on the internet. Many people experiencing hair loss look for hair regrowth options in order to feel and look like themselves again. 

John Frank MD has been restoring hair for almost 15 years in the New York and Ohio areas. Having treated more than 10,000 patients for hair loss, he is an expert in the world of hair loss treatment.

As a hair loss expert in New York and Ohio, John Frank MD knows the importance of understanding the cause of baldness in order to come up with a plan of attack as early on as possible.

The Truth Behind Balding

The truth is, balding is something almost everyone will experience in their lives, especially men. The American Hair Loss Association Reports that 2/3 of men will have some degree of hair loss by the age of 35. Additionally, for about 1/4 of men, hair loss begins before the age of 21.

That said, balding is a completely normal thing and is most times genetic, meaning you can’t really control the fact that it is happening to you. Still, many people who experience hair loss see a decrease in their own self esteem and confidence. Hair is one of the first noticeable features about a person, so losing it can take its toll.

When to be concerned about balding

When it comes to hair loss, it is normal for an individual to lose 50 to 100 hairs a day. Sometimes, you can lose more depending on health and lifestyle factors. If you have a week where you feel like you’re losing more hair than normal, but it seems to resolve on its own, it could just be part of your hair loss cycle.

However, if you notice you’re losing hair in large amounts or even noticing it on your pillow or clothes, it’s time to seek medical help. You’ll likely feel better by going to a professional regarding your hair loss concerns. One visit to John Frank MD’S New York or Ohio offices could give you the insight and tools you need to stop or slow down your balding!

Hormonal Factors

It’s important to know that the only real confirmed trigger for male pattern baldness is a hormone called dihydrotestosterone. Otherwise known as the DHT, the substance occurs naturally in the body. However, if you have hair loss, you inherit a sensitivity to DHT in your hair follicles. This sensitivity leads to weakening and thinning hair.

Hormonal factors that cause hair loss may be combated by medications which can stop them from weakening your hair. Hormonal factors, in comparison to lifestyle factors, are usually harder to pinpoint, as we don’t really have any control over hormones.

Lifestyle Factors

In addition to hormones, it is also worth noting that lifestyle factors can contribute to hair loss. With a large stigma around emotional well-being, men don’t really get the opportunity to express their feelings. This can lead to stress, anxiety, and depression. Much like any other part of the body, when you don’t take care of yourself, health issues tend to occur.

Other lifestyle factors that may lead to balding include diet‘s packing greens or other essential acids which are used when the body makes hair follicles and protein. Poor sleep, smoking, certain medications, and other factors may also contribute to baldness.

The Scalp Itself

One often overlooked part of what could be causing baldness is your shampoo and conditioning routine. A lot of men tend to shampoo at least once a day, sometimes more. If you are struggling with baldness, cutting back on how often you wash your hair can help.

Consultations for Balding

It is one thing to change your diet or not wash your hair every day, but when baldness is out of your control, it’s time to seek medical help. If you’ve made it past every other potential cause of hair loss, and none of your efforts are helping, it’s time to schedule a consultation for hair loss. 

By scheduling a consultation with a doctor who specializes in hair loss, such as John Frank, you can save yourself some time and money by trying to get to the root of the problem on your own. When looking for help with baldness in the New York or Ohio areas, John Frank MD can help.


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