All of us will have to face hair thinning or loss at some point in our lives – some sooner than others. And as we age, the likelihood of being afflicted with hair loss continues to increase. Many men will start experiencing some form of male pattern baldness as early as their 20’s and 30’s, with the overwhelming majority having hair loss impacting their lives by the time they reach their 60’s. This can be detrimental to our confidence and self-worth.

While we often focus on the hair on our scalps, hair loss can affect other important areas of our body as well – including our facial hair and eyebrows. Today we are going to focus on the eyebrows.

Eyebrows are not only important to our overall aesthetic, but they provide protection to our eyes from water and outside particles (as well as acting as extra protection from the sun). Unfortunately, genetics, autoimmune diseases – such as alopecia – and other health-related issues can cause thinning or loss of eyebrows.

If you are experiencing losing your eyebrows, hair transplant is an option. We will address some common questions regarding this procedure below.

Do Eyebrow Hair Implants Look Natural?

Yes, hair transplants for eyebrows do look natural. The donor areas used for eyebrows are taken from the hairs above the ears.

Many who are looking to restore their eyebrows still have a large number of native hairs in the region which help simplify the process by providing an outline for the transplant to maintain your original eyebrow shape. If that is not the case and the eyebrow region has lost its original shape from significant hair loss, we can work with you on creating a shared vision for your newly restored eyebrows.

How Long Do Eyebrow Transplants Last?

Eyebrow transplants are designed to last for a lifetime. The procedure allows you to get back to your normal activities within hours. You may experience some swelling and bruising immediately following the procedure that can be cared for at home… but will not impact your day-to-day life.

You will see the full results of the transplant within a few months. It is also recommended to not apply any hair removal to your eyebrows (such as tweezing or waxing) for at least six months after the procedure.

Who Is A Good Candidate For Eyebrow Transplant?

Many people are good candidates for eyebrow transplant. If you are experiencing hair thinning or loss in your eyebrows and are in relatively good health, eyebrow hair transplant could be right for you. That said, it is still important to consult with hair restoration professionals to confirm that you are a good candidate and to go over the necessary steps involved.

Expert Evaluation Can Determine If Eyebrow Hair Transplant Is Right For You

Hair thinning or loss across our facial hair and our eyebrows are often less talked about – but can be just as detrimental to our self-confidence as hair loss on our scalp. Luckily, hair transplant procedures are not exclusively for our scalps and can be used to restore your eyebrows to give you a more youthful and confident appearance.

If you’re ready to begin your eyebrow rejuvenation journey, or would like to start a conversation about your expectations and if eyebrow hair transplant is right for you, please fill out our eyebrow transplant info request form below or call us at 1-833-660-1312.



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