If you’ve begun to think about getting hair transplants, it is likely that you have also begun doing your research. While there is plenty of information everywhere, some things you may read are not always true. Just like with many other procedures, there are myths about all aspects of hair transplants. The following are some of the most common hair transplant myths and facts.

Hair Transplant Myth #1:

If you are not sure about getting a hair transplant, you should try a small piece first.
Fact: The results of a hair transplant are permanent. Therefore, you must make sure you speak to doctor and are confident about the procedure and your decision.

Hair Transplant Myth #2:

Doctors can tell if you have enough hair for a transplant by just looking.
Fact: Doctors cannot determine if you have enough hair for a hair transplant by simply “looking” at your hair. Several different tools such as a densitometer and checking for scalp laxity helps the doctor determine if the individual is a good candidate.

Hair Transplant Myth 3:

It is better to do all grafts in one session.
Fact: In order to minimize scarring and create the most natural looking results, it is better to split your procedure into a few sessions if several grafts are needed. Consulting with a doctor will help you better determine how many sessions you might need.

Hair Transplant Myth 4:

Getting hair transplants is better when you are young.
Fact: In most cases, successful hair transplants and patient satisfaction is more common among older patients. When hair loss begins at an early age, hair loss patterns are unpredictable. Therefore, it may be better to wait until you are a little older.

Hair Transplant Myth 5:

Hair transplants should be done as soon as you notice minimal hair loss.
Fact: Hair transplants grow slowly and can take up to a year to fully mature. The hair comes in gradually so that the process is not obvious. If this is procedure is done when it is not yet necessary, the results of the procedure will not be visible. Speak to a doctor about when exactly is the right time to get your hair transplant.

Hair Transplant Myth 6:

Large grafts produce more hair than small grafts.
Fact: Density of the hair depends on the amount of hair that was transplanted, not the size of the graft. Large grafts most often turn out to look unnatural. Smaller grafts usually produce the best results.

Experiencing Hair Loss?

Before getting your hair loss restoration treatment, you should take the time to research which procedure is right for you. You should also be aware of the risks involved in every surgery. More so, it may take some time to recover from the procedure.

Dr. Frank is an expert in hair loss restoration. He has performed a lot of successful surgeries in the past and has the experience, skills, and expertise needed for hair loss restoration.

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